Okay, so if you haven't already realized I have been extremely lax in my posting- well what can I say?
I am a bad blogger.
But I have been busy. I have been over scheduling myself way more than normal. What was I thinking??? I had a Spinning Demo scheduled for the same night and time as Dress Rehersal for the Dance Recital! Total craziness. Suffice it to say when I finally got to the Rehersal - and walked through the door I was greeted with a young child running in a outfit best described as cinderella's with the whole kercheif over her head and a broom, who was saying her Daddy-O was yelling at her. No it did not get better. Did I mention I tried to sign up for a sock class too that night?? Do you think it was a subconscious cry for escape???
Oh yes- it was a full moon to boot!
On the needles--- I have finished 1 - 5 hour baby sweater for my cousin's baby, and a white set - consisting of 1- 5 hour baby sweater, the matching hat and this
dress. Its done. I also have cast on and have almost the whole back of the mock Turtleneck shell by Sarah James.
Of course part of the reason I have so much done on it- is the fact I had a dizzy spell last Thursday night - slight touch of vertigo they say. All I know is that I was dizzy and it was not due to drinking. But I have Knitting to show for it!!
Today I started spinning again - using the wheel and not just in my head- man does it feel great to spin.
Tomorrow - I plan to get pictures of the stuff I want to blog about, so if that is enough to get your intrest- stay tuned!