Wednesday, January 17, 2007

What have I been up to?

Okay- first the good stuff:
I recieved a fabulous box from my secret Santa - Carole!! You should have seen me trying to behave( yes that was trying to) while I waited for her to get online so I could open it.
Once I got into it - and yes- the DeLoache name on sender gave it away---- I was so spoiled!!

Even Rochelle got a Polly Pocket - she was estatic!

A few days after the New Year I got another box that had a wonderful hat in it from my Dear friend Nancy--with a gorgeous hat in it for me, and one for each of the girls:

So very wonderful for her to do that for me!!

I have been working on spinning and knitting - will get a finish pic of the Clapotis taken soon so you can see-- Its Finished!

So I have the Weekend Sweater still in progress, and I have the take along project of a pair of socks for Roy too.

The Rocking Sock Club has had me a bit upset- not the club itself- but the issue with the bank.
First- Let me say- I want to congradulate Blue Moon for the professional way they have handled it, and I was happy to see that the Bank involved at first was on its toes to notice the activity of the group on the site and money coming in.
However- I can't say I agree with them in their decision that it can not be a good business plan, and cancelling it. I really think they should have taken into account of the wonderful class of Fiber addicts we are and how with the temptation of fresh sock yarn- we gladly part with money.
But the good thing is - the Rocking Sock Club is still on- and I shall be having a blast I hope.


Amy said...

Shelly, you deserve the great gifts and more! You are a wonderful person, not to mention a great friend and Santa! Thank you for all that you do for me! PS, hurry up and get me some clapotis pics!

Anonymous said...

I want to see your clapotis too! By the way, your girls are gorgeous.